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Mohair by Canard

Brushed lace/Kidmohair (3036) Mohair by Canard

Brushed lace/Kidmohair (3036) Mohair by Canard

Regular price 115 SEK
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Brushed lace/Kidmohair

Brushed lace is the absolute finest and softest mohair yarn, silk mohair that gives a real "wow effect".

Weight 25g

Length 210m

Material 72% kid mohair and 28% mulberry silk

Thickness Lace

Mesh density 18.0 to 28.0 = 10cm

Needles 2½-5mm

Washing instructions Hand wash cool

The fine shiny yarn is suitable for garments such as scarves, shawls and bright sweaters and dresses. Ultralight sweaters are knitted with one thread, PetitKnit's September sweater is knitted with three threads and our model 88 Fluffy Bird is knitted with four threads.

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You can find the pattern for the yarn here.

Brushed lace is a quality yarn from South African angora goats of superfine fibers from mohair kids mixed with mulberry silk. The yarn consists of 72% finest kid mohair and 28% mulberry silk. Kidmohair is carefully selected for this product. The fibers must be super fine and long to provide the best quality. No silicone or other plasticizers are added to achieve softness . A brushed mohair yarn will always shed some hair, but we hear very often that ours doesn't "shed" much. Brushed lace, often called silkmohair by knitters because of the content and the sheen.

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